• Hellooooo peeps =)

Lets see...
Since we last talked I really haven't done much to the hair.
Added a little color to the front.
I call it my Wiz...think Im going to make it a little lighter just because...lol
Its a rinse though!!! Not gangsta enough to go permanent or semi permanent.
Not yet.

Other than that...just twist out after twist out.
A few more up do's than normally.
Ill put up all the pics I have and hopefully I'll try something new soon, I'm getting a little bored with my hair right now =( Need to do something with it to spice it up!!!
At my birthday dinner.
Part on the side with two flat twists around the front of my head.
All pint up somehow...lol
with some pearl hair deco in the twists.

Headed to a friends short film showing...decided to do a little up do
Back of hair is pint up similar to a french bun. Sides just pulled back and pinned, with a pompadour in the front...really simple.

Just a couple pictures of my twist outs
Been really using the Organics Hair Pudding for Girls...Love it!!!

About to post a length check blog and then a quick product update
Hopefully I'll have more for you guys when school starts...
I'll probably play with my hair more then

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