• About me

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As a 20 something year old who has lived in 3 states within the past few years my life has changed drastically. Which I am sure you can imagine. 

Currently living in Little Rock, Arkansas and beginning my career in transportation engineering, I use blogging as my mental escape.
  It will be 4 years since my big chop this coming August, and 5 years since my last relaxer. I was actually motivated by a skin condition I found out about right before I went away to college in 2007. However, I decided to continue getting relaxers. My junior year of college, after another relaxing session while rinsing out my hair, I realized that my entire scalp was chemical burned. My skin condition had spread, and I didn't even know. That day, I vowed to never get another one.

After my big chop, I decided to figure out my hair and embraced myself naturally. I started with wash and go's. I had no clue what a braid out or a twist out was so I felt that wash and go's were the easiest thing for me at the time. I went to the store, and literally purchased everything that said it would define curls. I had no clue what I was doing! 

 So, this blog was birthed. I wanted to keep track of my natural hair journey and have a way to look back on my progress from day one. This my journey, My Newly Naptural Journey, I am excited about the growth of my blog over the years and what is to come. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy sharing!

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