• !!! 2 YEARS !!!

Guys it has officially been 2 years since I removed the last bit of creamy crack from my luscious locks...
I has not been an easy 2 years AT ALL!
Learning that your hair changes with seasons, the same products that worked at first might not work now, and getting mad because my hair isn't growing as fast as I would like it to have all been some hard lessons to tackle throughout this process.     

I did not opp for the big chop method merely because I wasn't that emotionally stable, so I did grow my hair out to a length that I was comfortable with and chop off all my ends and went from there.

Here are pictures from Aug 8th, 2010 and Aug 5th, 2012
I love every strand of hair on my head. I'm currently at A.P.L. and am eager for B.S.L.
But I know that comes with proper diet, proper hair upkeep, and drinking tons of water. I'll get there though... =)

COMPLETELY ignore my face in this one lol if I knew what I was thinking I'd tell you.
But I have no clue. (Aug 2010)

(Aug 2012)

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