• That's that ish I don't like!

Lol at the title but I couldn't help myself. Throughout these past two years there have been some hair victories and sho Nuff tragedies. I normally only post the things that I like and that work for me. But today I'm going to switch it up just a tad and talk about the things that I can't stand.
A part of being natural is learning what works best for your hair and what works best on your hair. When I first began this journey 2 years ago I had absolutely no clue what I was doing. I had been getting perms since the 4th grade and until the 10th grade my hair was always braided. So needless to say I bought everything.
Then when I got hooked on YouTube it got EVEN worse if that is even possible. I have one of the plastic 3 drawer containers in my bathroom full of hair products and accessories. I had succumbed to the hair junkie stereotype.
Most of the products I hated I throw away such as the curl activator I bought the day I cut all of my relaxer out -_- lol but these are just a few I still have around that I just can't get jiggy with.

1. Shea Butter

I know so many people swear buy this stuff, but unless its in a cream version my hair doesn't work well with this product at all. It turns my hair white regardless of the amount I use and I don't like the way it makes my hair feel at all. Some people can use it to control their edges and the only purpose it serves for me is on my skin.

2. Ms Jessie's Curl Pudding

The first few videos I watched spoke so highly of the HIGHLY priced product. I managed to catch a buy one get one free sale online so of course I had to purchase. This normally 30 something dollar product made me want to cry. I bought this within the first few months of going natural and I still have it because in my mind I want it to work. First, I cannot deal with the smell. It's too perfume like and it lingers. Second, it takes forever to dry. I used to try to blow dry it, wake up early to use it. Nothing really helped with the drying process with regards to my hair. Sidebar i absolutely love her Curl Meringue. The line of products isn't bad ,however, I do believe they are very overpriced but this specific one never acted right for me.

3. Curl formers

Sweet Baby Jesus this probably was one of the worst hair fiascos I've ever had! Lol I wish I would've taken pictures but just know that it was bad! My boo at the time asked what had I done to my hair and why? It was tragic. I watched a couple YouTube videos about a year ago and kept seeing these things so I wanted to give them a try. For one these are rather expensive. A pack runs you about 13$. I have tons of hair so...uh yea. You get it. Then I couldn't get them to work correctly when I first tried. The woman I watched did it on stretched dry hair. She would apply a small bit of product & in my attempt to mimic I tried and couldn't pull my hair through the former. They just looked horrid. Believe me. Never attempted to use them again. Maybe one day when I have nothing else to do I might try. But for now that sad sad day keeps replaying in my head.

4. Twisted Sista 30 second curl spray

I should've known before I purchased this that I wouldn't like it much because I've never been a fan when it comes to liquid products. I prefer creams or pudding consistency because I normally only do twist outs. But It was a summer, I was doing some wash & go's and I said why not? I took so much of this small bottle to get any results. I tried it once or twice and just gave up. Lol

This is only a small portion of the hair tragedies I've experienced. I'm sure there will be tons more and I will make sure to show you all. But as I always say, what works and in this case what doesn't work on my hair might not be the same for you. We all have different textures and our curls work differently. This post wasn't to scare you away from these products just my personal experiences.
Have a great day my Naptural beauties!

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