• My Skin Care Routine (Face)

As the health of my hair and body have become more and more important to my everyday life as the days continue a new focus of mine has become my face.

Since about 2006 I have struggled with rather severe acne and hyper-pigmentation (scaring).

I have tried just about EVERYTHING when it comes to my face from creams, masks, gels, to antibiotics. NOTHING worked!

About a year or so ago I decided to just try using water to clean my face and an astringent immediately after. This worked well for me but I didn't feel that I was achieving the best "clean" that I could being that my face is exposed to the elements all day long.

Just recently, I snuck and used one of my friends Noxzema Deep Cleansing Cream just wondering why he used it on a daily basis...GUYS I am now in love!

I have combination skin. Which means in some places it's really oily and in others it's bone dry. While my acne and scaring have calmed down tremendously within the past 2 years or so I finally feel that I have found my set in stone facial skin care routine.

1. First, using warm water I make sure my face it completely moist.

2. Then I apply the cleansing cream. (This cream has Eucalyptus Oil which is supposed to give you that clean feeling)

3. I use a facial brush that I purchased from Sally's which was about 2 bucks to work the product in while gently exfoliating as well.

4. After I rinse all the product from my face, I use the Burt's Bees Toner to help keep the pollutants from entering my pores.

The combination of these products have worked WONDERS! I haven't had many breakouts and have seen a noticeable reduction in my skins oiliness.

As which many skin care products I would suggest you consult with your doctor first however, these have been my saving grace!!!


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