• Updated Wash Regimen using "Natural" Products

Hello my Naptural beauties!!! 

In a recent challenge by my honey to adopt the clean eating lifestyle, I decided to re-examine the products I use on my hair daily. As my hair continues to grow and my texture changes, I wondered if what I was using on my hair was really the healthiest method of taking care of my fro. 

I watch YouTube just about everyday and one of my favorite vloggers of all time is Naptural85. If you have not checked her out, I urge you to do so. She has adapted pretty much completely natural regimen for her hair, so I decided to give it a try these past few months. 

The products I've decided to use are ACV, Greek yogurt, Aloe Vera Shampoo, Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner, Aloe Vera Gel, and Aloe Vera Juice. (Ignore the picture I purchased 2 Aloe Vera Gels that day, and didn't notice it  until I attempted to use it lol) The main reason it took me so long to circle back around to natural products was time! My days tend to run together and a day long wash process just doesn't fit into my schedule. However, health and length are now my main focus I had to shift some things around. All of the products were purchased in organic type stores including Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and the Turnip Truck.

I begin with mixing 1 part ACV to 2 parts water. This clarifies my hair and scalp removing all product and other unwanted particles. With the ACV still, I liberally apply the plain organic Greek yogurt. I let this mixture sit under a shower cap and a towel for about 30-45 min. The Greek yogurt acts as a deep conditioner as well as a protein treatment which leaves my hair soft and moisturized.

Once every 4-6 weeks I include the next step which is shampooing. I purchased this Aloe Vera shampoo because the water in Nashville is hard and can cause damage to one's hair if you are not careful. Aloe Vera is known for is moisturizing properties and as the water "dries" out my hair I try to combat it in every way I can.

Next, is a product I stole right from her (Naptural85) regimen, the Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner. This stuff is quite awesome! It might not be as natural as I like however, the slip and detangling properties of this conditioner can closely be compared to my previous favorite Aussie Moist. I love the fact that as soon as this touches my scalp the tingling begins and running a wide tooth combs through these curls becomes tons easier! I don't let this sit too long being that I begun my regimen with a deep conditioning session so about 3 minutes or so is all you need!

Alright, the final stretch! 

After rinsing out the conditioner I seal my cuticles with cold Aloe Vera Juice and then twist with Aloe Vera Gel and seal with whatever oil I may have on hand at the time. 

I am sure you are wondering a few things. 

Was it worth it? Did you see any changes? Are you going to stick with it?

And my answer is YES to all of those questions! I have noticed quite a reduction in hair shedding since I started this routine about 2 months ago. Not only that, my hair has gained quite a noticeable luster and sheen as well. After the first time, I was able to detangle my hair just about daily with no major tangles or single strand knots up until my next wash day which was 2 weeks later! 

Taking the time to really focus on my hair has made quite a difference and I do believe that continuing to do so will produce the results I am crossing my fingers for!!!

Here is a picture of the second day after my first wash using these products you can see that the shine is quite awesome and my curls look a little healthier!

Give it a try! Take care of your hair and not just your body! Putting good things in produces good coming out. But you can always give it a little help!!! Until next time Naptural beauties! 

Check me out on instagram @va_slim25 & stop by my second blog mosaicunionmu.com as we recap RVA fashion week!!!

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