One of my biggest beauty struggles has been acne.
Not one pimple graced my smooth chocolate skin until my junior year of high school, and since then they seem to pop up every week.
As it is calming down tremendously from my freshman and sophomore years of college the randomness of acne is still a plague that I can’t seem to fight off. I have tried any and everything over, behind, under, and on top of the counter; nothing has given me the results that I deem to be good.
As I age, and adult acne has become a part of my everyday life, I am seeking ways to give my skin an extreme makeover.
Yes, my face care routine I posted a few months ago did warrant some decent results however, my new struggle has become cystic acne and those small annoying bumps. More so here lately my bumps have been more cystic in nature which regardless of whether I touch them or not, a scar dons my face.
In my quest to continue natural remedies my mother sent me an article discussing the healing properties of honey and cinnamon. Not only is the combination good for your skin, there are a host of other things the duo is praised for. Check below for a link to see its many benefits!
At least 3 times a week I try to do a mask combining the two. I normally put in on in the shower after washing my face as I come in from my evening workouts. I feel that by doing it while in the shower the steam allows for a little better absorption. Now....I probably could be making that up, but in my head it works quite well. Lol
I grabbed some organic honey from my local grocery store and some cinnamon about 2 months ago, and as it has not completely gotten rid of my acne I do see a little improvement. I will continue to update you all as I move forward and will hopefully have some pictures to support!
Have a great day my natural beauties!

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