• Learning to love your Natural Hair!!!

One of the main reasons a lot of people tend to shun natural hair is because the negative connotations  it is so often associated with.This picture was a perfect representation of how natural hair is sometimes depicted to others and ourselves. 

I must admit my freshman and sophomore years were spent saying how I'd never go natural because I didn't want a fro or nappy hair. I didn't see the beauty in being who you were created to be. I didn't do the big chop solely out of fear of what I would look like. Why? Why do we become so attached to our hair? My hair wasn't healthy at the time, nor was it growing. But for some reason I just couldn't let it go.

I watched a Youtube video yesterday by myinvisiblechrysalis I would definitely recommend it to anyone struggling with the idea of going natural or those transitioning who are afraid to make the big chop. The link will be posted below  

Really, I know that it can sound cliche' but ALL hair is beautiful hair. And don't be upset if your hair doesn't look like the next persons. It's not supposed to.

No, your hair might not grow as fast as the next persons but it's going to grow. A lot of the stress we add to the process comes from worrying about the next person.That was something I had to constantly remind myself. My hair is not the same as everyone Else's. It will be 2 years in less than 3 weeks. My hair has grown longer in that time period than my entire "creamy crack" life. Hair grows differently.

Learning to love your hair can sometimes be compared to a relationship. (sounds funny right?) Seriously! Some people fall head over heels with their hair the moment it sprouts from the scalp, and then there are others who feel like it's a horrible love story. It's a learning process as with anything. You have to learn what works for you and your hair, and what doesn't work at all. I promise you the results will make this relationship worth every struggle! Also, remember that everyone is not going to understand why you did this, and it is not your job to tell them. Relationships are private! This should be a private love affair. If they don't  understand, so be it. You don't have to make them...

Natural is Beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you any different. It comes in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Love what you have. Rock it with confidence. Wear it with pride.

 (pictures from Naturally Beautiful Hair facebook page)


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