• How To Grow Healthy Natural Hair

Disclaimer: This is not a post that will provide you with the magical potion to grow hair but combining the few tips given will help ensure that your hair will be healthier which will promote hair growth! Length will come, but health has to come first! Also, this is what works for me! You might have to make adjustments based on your specific hair needs. I am not a licensed cosmetologist just sharing what has worked for me over the past 3 years.  

Tip1: Drink Water! 

I know you are tired of hearing this is every healthy hair post, but hair is a direct extension of you. The health of your hair, like your skin is directly related to the health of your body. Staying hydrated is important and it aids in the detoxification process. By removing impurities from your body, you will allow the byproducts it produces to become healthier over time.

Tip 2: Moisturize!!!

This was something I didn't understand fully until recently. I thought that I could moisturize once a week and leave my hair to fend for itself against the harsh elements the other six days, I was sadly mistaken. Moisturizing your hair is probably the MOST important step in growing and retaining healthy hair, natural or relaxed. It's equivalent to showering daily and not replacing your skins moisture however, your scalp and hair don't produce as much natural oil as your skin. There are a few ways you can ensure that your hair is moisturized:

1. Make sure to seal your hair after every wash! I seal my hair with coconut oil as soon as I lift my head from the sink! I like to do it when my hair is slightly wet to lock in that moisture.

2. Focus on your ends! Be deliberate in your application of your moisturizer to your hairs ends because these are the oldest parts of your hair and therefore the most brittle. When you focus on your ends you give them the chance to remain nourished which aids in hair growth, and even more importantly hair retention.

3. Deep conditioning! This is the part that I didn't understand. I didn't find deep conditioning to be necessary every month or every other week however, my feelings quickly changed after I incorporated it into my regimen and my hair did a complete 180! My hair didn't shed as much while detangling and it began to feel stronger when I would do my weekly styling. It also began to get its natural luster back as well, I didn't need to focus on applying so much oil throughout the week because my hair was no longer lacking important nutrients.(for my deep conditioner recipe click here:)

Tip 3: TLC

No no no, not the amazing music group; I mean Tender Loving Care! Your hair is very delicate in its curly state and is more apt to tangle, snag, and form knots. This means that when detangling you need to be as gentle as possible. I am not anti hair tools, but I do try to finger detangle as much as possible. Also, try not to use tools on dry hair, it is a recipe for disaster. Be gentle whenever using hair ties or ponytail holders, if you want to retain length make sure you aren't brushing it all out on your bathroom floor.

Tip 4: Keep your hands out of your hair!

This is a hard one for me as well, I love playing in my hair for one reason or another. I reach for my hair when I'm nervous, anxious, happy, sad, it doesn't matter I always have my hands in my hair. Constantly playing in your hair aids in the creation of knots and tangles, so do yourself a favor and put your hands down and you'll make things easier for yourself when it comes time to detangle on wash day! This also comes to styling! I used to believe that I had to style my hair every night to keep my curls fresh. One, nobody has a bit of time for that! Secondly, that is not true! I have been able to get "Day 6" hair quite a few times by doing the pineapple method and learning to accept the frizz that comes regardless.

Tip 5: Protective Styles

It's not a bad idea to dabble in protective styling every once and a while. This gives you a chance to keep your hands out of your hair as well has protect your hair especially your ends from the harsh elements. You can try twists, braids, buns, wigs, what have you but giving your hair a break will allow for retention as well.

Blow out April 2014

Blow out August 2013

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